Akatsuki no Yona also known as Yona of the Dawn is a Japanese romantic, action-thriller anime television series inspired by the manga series of the same name written and depicted by Mizuho Kusanagi. The first season of the anime series was written by Shinichi Inotsume, directed by Kazuhiro Yoneda, and produced under Studio Pierrot. The show was licensed by Funimation and released its first episode on 7th October 2014 and concluded on 24th March 2015 on its original network Tokyo MX, At-X, TV Aichi, Sun TV, BS11, and RKK. The series had a total of 24 episodes and was loved by all the anime series fans but despite the amazing rating of 8.1 out of 10 on IMDB and many requests from the viewers over the years, there is no announcement or hint given for the second season of the series.
Here’s everything we know so far regarding the second season of the series. Read the full article!
Akatsuki no Yona Season 2| Release Date
There is no official announcement till now even about the renewal of the series from the producers. Since six years have already passed since the last release so it’s difficult to say whether there will be the second season of the show. But as the first season covered only eight volumes and the manga series from which the show is inspired has 35 volumes which means they can still think about the Akatsuki no Yona Season 2. We can expect the release by the last quarter of 2021 or early 2022.
Akatsuki no Yona Season 2| Cast
We can expect all the central characters from the debut season of the series. Let’s have a look on the names of the probable casts.
- Yona dubbed by Chiwa Saito (Japanese), Monica Rial (English)
- Son Hak dubbed by Tomoaki Maeno, Ayahi Takagaki (young) (Japanese), Christopher R. Sabat (English)
- Su-Won dubbed by Yusuke Kobayashi, Nozomi Yamamoto (young) (Japanese); Micah Solusod (English)
- Yun dubbed by Junko Minagawa (Japanese), Clifford Chapin (English)
- Kija dubbed by Masakazu Morita, Haruka Chisuga (young) (Japanese); Ian Sinclair (English)
- Sinha dubbed by Nobuhiko Okamoto, Sanae Kobayashi (young) (Japanese); Eric Vale (English)
- Jaeha dubbed by Junichi Suwabe (Japanese); Joel McDonald (English)
- Zeno dubbed by Hiro Shimono (Japanese); Josh Grelle (English)
Besides them, there may be several other characters also like Ik-Su, Lee Geun-Tae, Son Mundok, Kan Tae-Jun, and An Lili.
Akatsuki no Yona Season 2| Plot| What’s the next chapter?
As there are a lot of Japanese anime lovers out there, let us take a quick recap into the synopsis of the first season before proceeding into the expected plot of the second one.
The series follows a beautiful princess of Kouka who was the child of Pacifist King II. The series is mainly women-centric and aims to show that a woman can be strong and powerful if she wants to be so.
The gorgeous red-haired princess named Yona started having feelings for the son of her father’s brother whose name is Su-Won, who has no such feelings for her. Also she was denied to get married to him for some other reasons as well. Since she was unaware of the fact that her empire was going to face some riots and violence from Su-Won, she escapes with Son Hak (her friend) as she gets to know some bitter and harsh facts about her kingdom.
The series then gives a lesson by the major changes in Yona from being a sensitive young girl to a strong and brave lady for her mates after her father dies and takes a shocking turn. She learned the fact that her kingdom can be destroyed at anytime, Yona started to look for the prominent four dragons warriors so that she can win back her father’s empire and this search makes her experience adventures like human trafficking, pirates and many more unpleasant things.
In the second season, it may be expected that Yona returns to the Kingdom Kokua and takes revenge. We can also see Yona to get her loving kingdom back and be the princess as well. She’s worth it. So, season 2 may be the journey of getting her kingdom back with lots of twists and turns of course.
As there is no official declaration about the probable plot or storyline of the second season so whatever we can do is speculate the story. Seems like we have to wait a bit longer.
Akatsuki no Yona Season 2| Trailer
There is no sign of releasing a trailer sooner than 2022. We understand that all the fans are waiting deliberately but all we can do is re-watching debut season.
So it is very clear that there is no update from the producers regarding the making of the second season or renewal. We expect soon there will be some update on the same, stay tuned.