You may be in luck if you use your Discover card at Amazon. That’s because right now if you use certain Discover cards to make purchases, you can take advantage of a program that will give you a cash rebate on a wide variety of things sold by Amazon. You can save up to $40 at Amazon, which is 40% off, depending on the offer you’re eligible for. Some other cardholders can save up to $30, while others get $10 off $50 or $30 off $150.
In order to redeem any of these discounts, you must pay for a certain percentage of your Amazon order using Discover cash back. The deal is valid until July 21, 2022, at which point it will no longer be valid. But there are a few things you need to do first if you want to get savings from any of these offers, so we compiled a comprehensive manual to help you do just that.
How to save up to 40% at Amazon with your Discover card
To begin, you’ll need a Discover credit card to be eligible for consideration for this offer. Among these is the Cash Back, Miles, and Chrome versions of the Discover it® card.
Connecting your Discover card to your Amazon account is required if you have one of these cards but have not done it yet. When you sign into your Amazon account and add your Discover card as a payment option, you’ll see a link to enroll in “Shop with Points” under the “Your Account” tab. To activate the newly added Discover card, proceed to the following screen and tap the “Enroll” button.
After your accounts have been linked, you can see if you qualify for promotion by clicking here. Targeted promotions mean that you might not be able to participate even if you have a Discover card linked to your Amazon account. However, Amazon’s records may need to refresh after 24 hours if you just signed up for “Shop with Points,” so you may not see an offer until then.
Make use of the “Activate promotion” button if you’re qualified to do so in order to activate your deal. You can then proceed through the Amazon checkout procedure as usual, but pay using the associated Discover card instead.
To redeem your discount, you must use at least 1 Discover cash back point toward your purchase. Amazon may automatically apply points for the whole purchase price, but you may change the default and choose the exact amount of cash back you want to apply – down to a penny if you choose. Your Discover card will be accepted for the remaining balance.
You can redeem your Discover cash back at Amazon and get the same value as if you had redeemed it for a statement credit. Simply put, at Amazon, a dollar’s worth of cashback is worth a dollar, and the same can be said for the point system. When compared to the value you’d get by redeeming American Express or Chase points, which frequently run comparable Amazon discounts for their own card users, this deal is a huge steal.
If you have a deal for 30% or 40% off, for example, you will save 30% or 40% on anything you buy up to a maximum of $30 or $40, respectively. However, in order to receive the $10 off $50 or $30 off $150 discounts, you must have spent at least $50 or $150 on qualifying items in your Amazon shopping cart.
Get up to 40% off on some great Amazon products
Let’s take a look at some real-world applications of these Amazon Discover deals.
Recent testing found that the iLife V3S Pro was the best robot vacuum for pet hair overall. During Prime Day, you can get it for $114.99 on Amazon. However, with the Discover discount applied, your out-of-this-world total (before any taxes and shipping costs) will be only $74.99.
Alternatively, if you’re interested in purchasing some Apple AirTags after reading our article on why they’re the best travel companion this summer, you can do so on Amazon right now for $27.50 (plus taxes and delivery). However, if you are eligible for the 40% off Discover coupon, you may acquire them for just $16.50 each.
Honored and excited that @EdutainerStef and I had the opportunity to share our celebrations and 5 year plan for the @dvNBCT Network this afternoon with our phenomenal and supportive sponsors @DVEF_DVUSD and Discover Card. @DVUSD @azk12 @NBPTS #NBCTStrong
— Alexis LaDuca, NBCT (@alexisladuca) October 20, 2022
Combining this offer with Amazon’s daily specials or other discounts (like the $20 off $60 spent on certain beauty products) is possible.
Gift cards for Amazon are excluded from these Discover savings, but gift cards for many other retailers are. Netflix, DoorDash, Safeway, and dozens of more stores that can come in handy right now are just a handful of the thousands that are available to you on Amazon. A discount Amazon gift card is a good way to save money even if you don’t have an immediate need for anything from Amazon.
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