After serving almost three years behind bars, Former Chicago police officer Jason Van Dyke will be released on Feb 03, 2022. He was convicted for the murder charges of the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald. Van Dyke has been in imprisonment since his October 2018 verdict.
He will serve nearly half of his term, following getting credit for good behavior. After serving 39 months of an 81-month sentence, Van Dyke was released. He was sentenced to six years and nine months’ imprisonment, on the murder charges.
Van Dyke had earlier filed an appeal, which was dismissed by the Illinois First District Appellate Court in October 2020 at his petition.
Charges Imposed on Van Dyke
On November 24, 2015, about a year after the incident, an evidentiary video of the crime was released, it was discovered that Van Dyke shot the Young black man not once, 16 counts of aggravated battery, shocking the entire country. Later, he was charged with Laquan McDonald’s second-degree murder.
Public Reaction after McDonald’s shooting, protests erupted, calling for strict improvements in police and judicial procedures, as well as the dismissal or resignation of county authorities.
The activist who was key in having the video of the incident released, William Calloway, believes the former cop should stay in custody.
“The federal government has the legal authority, U.S. Attorney John Lausch has the legal authority, and he has the moral obligation to charge Jason Van Dyke with federal civil rights violations,” Calloway stated.
After the releasing orders, Hunter stated, It’s a shame that Jason Van Dyke has a date when he can be paroled and, to some extent, free from his past, whereas Laquan McDonald will never have another birthday. “I hope that Mr. Van Dyke emerges a different man than when he entered.”
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