Marilyn Monroe Cause of Death: Sleeping Pills Found Near the Bed of the Actor
One of the most recognizable faces in Hollywood history, Marilyn Monroe, was discovered dead in her Brentwood, Los Angeles home. Her age was given as 36.
A bottle that once contained sleeping pills lays empty next to the bed. There were fourteen more bottles of pills and meds on the night table. Her death had a global impact, especially on young people. Despite her acting talent, her star power outweighed her actual contributions.
Marilyn Monroe’s Cause of Death
She was a woman, so naturally, she was objectified. Millions of people saw her marriages and divorces as the prerogatives of this modern Venus, even though they were to Yankee baseball star Joe DiMaggio and Pulitzer Prize playwright Arthur Miller. Tragically, the events that led to her death were at odds with the comedic talent and zest for life that had made her movies like “Seven Year Itch” and “Some Like It Hot” international hits.
Miss Monroe’s doctor gave her sleeping pills for three nights. The usual amount of pills in such a bottle is between forty and fifty. A psychoanalyst had been treating the actress for the past year, and she had invited him over for dinner the night before. It was his suggestion that she gets in her car and just drive somewhere peaceful. On the other hand, she didn’t leave the house.

According to the autopsy results, the Los Angeles coroner determined that Marilyn Monroe did not die of natural causes. The drug, he said, was to blame. A toxicological study, he said, which should be finished in forty-eight hours, would provide even more information. Before that, he had been reluctant to record the death as a suicide.
Los Angeles police are hesitating to label the death a suicide until they hear back from coroner Dr. Theodore J. Curphey. No one could speculate on how many pills the actress might have taken or ruled out the possibility of an accidental overdose. The authorities say that Miss Monroe did not leave any notes.
The non-physical investigation, however, will not determine whether or not she committed suicide. It also won’t affect the results of any toxicology exams. Miss Monroe had experienced a string of devastating setbacks over the course of the last few years. Both of her most recent movies, “Let’s Make Love” and “The Misfits,” underperformed at the box office. Mr. Miller’s “The Misfits” concluded shortly after their divorce.
Miss Monroe was fired from her role as the lead in “Something’s Got to Give” by Twentieth Century Fox on June 8 due to unexcused absences from the set. Miss Monroe argued angrily with a reporter just before she was fired, and the incident prompted the reporter to write a story about it. She claimed that “Something’s Got to Give” was the one thing she never wanted to do.
“We’re what’s O.K. with the movie business,” she asserted. “Management is what’s wrong with the business. To blame the troubles of Hollywood on the stars is stupid. These executives should not knock their assets around.” However, a few weeks after the lawsuit was filed against her for $500,000, Miss Monroe begged Fox to let her return to work on the film.
It’s been 60 years since Marilyn Monroe’s death. Today, she is remembered as one of the most talented – and instantly recognisable – actors of the 20th century. Join us as we take a closer look at some her most famous photographs:
— King & McGaw (@kingandmcgaw) October 8, 2022
Her one-story stucco house in a middle-class neighborhood was a far cry from the lavish suites at the Beverly Hills Hotel, and she retreated there when she felt her spirits dipping. She passed away at her home at 12305 Fifth Helena Drive.
The housekeeper, Mrs. Eunice Murray, who had been living with her, was the last person to see her alive. Mrs. Murray reported to police that Miss Monroe went to bed at around 8 o’clock last night. A light under Miss Monroe’s door was discovered by the housekeeper at around 3:25 this morning. The actress didn’t pick up when she called. She attempted to enter the bedroom. In this case, the door was locked.
Mrs. Murray opened the bedroom’s French windows from the outside and peered inside. She told the police that Miss Monroe had a “peculiar” appearance. She mentioned that a person’s arm was splayed out across the bed and a hand was lying limply on a telephone. The maid ran back inside and immediately called Miss Monroe’s psychiatrist, Dr. Ralph R. Greenson. A short while later, he showed up and shattered the French window in order to get inside.
He checked out the star quickly. Sadly, she had already passed away. He connected with Miss Monroe’s personal physician, Dr. Hyman Engelberg. The authorities were called once he arrived. It was 4:20 by this time, well over an hour after the housekeeper had contacted Dr. Greenson. Los Angeles Police Department Inspector Edward Walker was questioned on whether or not he thought the length of time it took for someone to call the police was unusual. He disclaimed any such belief.
‘There was no evidence of a crime, and the first doctor knew she was dead,’ he said. First to arrive in the tree-lined neighborhood were two radio patrolmen and a sergeant. Eventually, Detective Sergeant R. E. Byron was assigned to the case.
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