Sekirei is the Japanese supernatural romantic comedy animated television series inspired from the same series of the name manga which is written by Sakurako Gokurakuin. The series is written by Takao Yoshioka, produced and directed by Seven Arcs and Keizo Kusakawa. The first season of the series premiered in December 2004 followed by the second season which was released in September 2010. By 2017 the series was approved by Funimation in North America.
Both the previous season was appreciated and loved by the fans. The series revolves around the character “Minato Sahashi”, a middle school graduated who, for two consecutive years failed in his college entrance examination. However, his life takes a big turn when he gets to meet several girls who have basically supernatural powers known as “Sekirei” and is unwillingly involved in a war, probably to choose the fate of the world.
Since the series is just too addicting and interesting, fans are so curious to know regarding a release date, cast, plot, and many more about the series.
Sekirei Season 3| Release Date
There is no official announcement regarding the release date of the third season of the series. It’s safe to say that we can expect the release by the end of 2021 or early 2022. The release may be delayed also due to the global coronavirus pandemic. According to reports, the director is intending on making the third season only for the “Sekirei ” Fans as the second season couldn’t perform well in comparison with the first one. Anyways, we will be updating the part after the official announcement by the makers.
Sekirei Season 3| Cast| Whom can we expect? Check Out
The series had many characters that can be counted as the central character. The main characters will definitely make come back from the previous seasons, let us take a look into the names of the possible casts of the third season.
- Shinnosuke Tachibana will be seen in the role Minato
- Yukari Tamura will be seen in the role of Kusano
- Ayako Kawasumi will be seen in the role of Musubi
- Rie Tanaka will be seen in the role of Tsukuimi
- Yuki Matsuoka will be seen in the role of Matsu
- Sayaka Ohara will be seen in the role of Miya
- Hiromi Hirata will be seen in the role of Homura
- Yukana will be seen in the role of Kazehana
- Sayori Ishizuka will be seen in the role of Chiho
- Yu Kobayashi will be seen in the role of Uzume
Sekirei Season 3| Plot| What can be expected in the third season? Find out below!
Everyone out there is excited to know that what would be the next chapter if suppose season 3 will happen? But before getting into the probable happenings of the third season let us take a quick recap about the ending of the second season.
The second season named “Sekirei: Pure Engagement” released with a total of twelve episodes, the opening theme of the episode being “Sekirei” and the finale being “Dear Sweet Heart”. In the second season, there were two lead actors, Asumi and Hana, both of them pursuing their studies in the United States. It found out that Hana is pregnant, also she was bound to leave her hometown unfortunately after her parents expired. Thereafter, a reunion happened and they were able to meet their American friends again, Kaitsu and Mimi, finally they started working in a photo studio.
Towards the finale of the series, Chiho found to be recovered from her sickness and here’s second season ends on a happy note.
The initial seasons have a lot of fans and hence the third season has to be fantastic. We may expect Matsu to re-examine the data which he recovered from MBI Towers in order to know about the facts behind Ashikabis and Sekirei. In between all this, it may seem like the relationship between Musubi and Minato will make other Sekirei of Minoto jealous. As soon as he finds out the fact about the Sekirei he begins to split off from Musubi which may bring constraints in battling with the negative characters in the series.
Sekirei Season 3| Trailer
There is no update regarding the release of the trailer since the filming is also not even confirmed yet. So keep rewatching the previous seasons till they make an official announcement.
So, that’s all we know about the third season of Sekirei and we will be updating you with all the latest news regarding the wonderful series.