All About Kids Clips: Netflix’s Version of Tiktok

The evolution of technology has touched every industry, and how we consume and use data is certainly no exception to the new way of doing things. Traditional cable TV channels are still relevant, but with the rise and popularity of streaming services, they are trailing behind. Netflix has brought the world closer together by providing a streaming service that can be accessed from anywhere in the world so long it’s set up, and you’ve paid your subscription.

While it is targeted at adults, there is a lot of children’s content available there as well. It is easy to not focus on the little one’s preferences when all we want to do as adults is wind down and release the tension of the day with a good show on Netflix. Well, Netflix has come up with Kids Clips, a feature whose target market is children specifically, as the name suggests.

To explore this new feature, why not let your kids watch the clips and choose the movie they want to watch on Netflix. Grab some snacks from the Acme circular for this week and some fresh fruit from to enjoy some family time in the comfort of your home. Depending on their ages, you will choose from a variety of genres, including Animation, Adventure, and other appropriate PG-rated films. We’re going to tell you more about this feature below; keep reading.

What are Kids Clips?

Strikingly similar to Tik Tok but specifically for children, Netflix describes this feature as a way for younger users to watch clips from films, movies, or tv shows that are musical, silly, or funny from its library of content. The interface for the clip is displayed much like Tik Tok or Instagram Reels, the biggest difference being that it shows the clips in landscape and not the portrait mode. The idea is that the clip looks exactly like it will on the screen when the children watch the whole film. Furthermore, it has a ‘watch later option’ in its tab. The clips children can watch are limited to between 10-20 clips in a single sitting. This will also help parents manage their children’s screentime in that regard.

The clips refresh on a daily basis; therefore, there is always something new for the little ones to watch. Kids Clips shows the children enough to engage them at that moment but not so much that they will not go and watch the whole film. It presents its content in bite sizes based on what is available in the content library. It also allows the children to explore other titles they may have otherwise missed or even to rewatch firm favorites.

Are you able to put any controls in place?

Yes, you are. In the settings, you are able to restrict content to a specific age group for your child. For example, if they are 6 years old, you can set it so that content that is not for that age group does not appear in the clips. You are also able to disable autoplay in the settings if you so wish.

Does it work on any device?

Currently, Kids Clips is available on iOS devices only. They are looking to add Android devices as well in the future. For now, it has been rolled out in the US, Canada, Australia, Ireland, and Latin American countries only.

With so much entertainment provided by different streaming services, it only makes sense that Netflix follows the Tik Tok format. Our attention spans have grown shorter with our consumption as there is so much to choose from. We sometimes want to know what to expect from the movie we’re about to watch, and children are no exception.

Netflix has curated this feature to draw them into age-appropriate viewing while still giving their parents, a measure of control over what it is they are watching. The beauty of all this is that you will be able to watch your shows still on the TV while they are busy with Kids Clips on an iPad or computer. It also allows the children some independence from you as the parent and some peace of mind for you as well knowing that what they are watching is suitable for them.

It opens the children’s minds up to a bigger world and feeds their imagination in a way that their still-developing minds can handle. We love this feature for many reasons and hope that when you give it a shot, you will too.

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