China Is Employing Balloons To Fight The US On A New Front Near To Space

China considers the uppermost 12–60 mile reaches of Earth’s atmosphere, which it calls “near space,” to be the site of the next superpower battlefield.

Near space is a transition zone for interplanetary travel, located above the flight paths of most commercial and military jets and below satellites; however, it is also a domain through which hypersonic weapons transit and ballistic missiles cross.

Chinese military experts have called the region a “new front for militarization” and “an important field of competition among the world’s military powers,” so Beijing is paying close attention to what’s happening there.

China is reviving a decades-old technology to use this altitude in addition to building cutting-edge boats like solar-powered drones and hypersonic vehicles. High-altitude balloons and stratospheric airships like the one discovered over the United States on Saturday and shot down are among these.

Despite claims from American officials that the balloon was part of a massive Chinese surveillance programme, China insists it is merely a civilian research airship.

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Dems Join Gop In Condemning China Spying Flight Want Biden Explanation

On Thursday, Democrats and Republicans in the House of Representatives voted to pass a resolution that calls China’s sending of surveillance balloons over U.S. territory a “brazen violation of United States sovereignty” and calls on the Biden administration to provide more information about the incident.

After many days in U.S. airspace, a Chinese balloon was shot down on the Atlantic coast, and Republicans asked for a resolution five days later.

Republicans and Democrats have criticised China for the breach, with Secretary of State Antony Blinken calling the flight an “irresponsible act and an obvious violation of U.S. sovereignty and international law.”

Out of this frustration came a unanimous vote in favour of the resolution proposed by Michael McCaul, the Republican chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Democrats voted in favour of the bill even though Republicans used the debate to attack the Biden administration for allowing the balloon to cross the country.

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