Mahsa Amini’s Death: Iranians Unite In Rage And Mourning
“You did not die, your name will be a code” is inscribed on her tombstone. Mahsa Amini’s name is already more than just a code. Last Wednesday, the hashtag #MahsaAmini was mentioned more than 1.5 million times on Twitter, making it the most discussed topic on the social network for hours. Her name was also shouted during demonstrations in the streets and on college campuses across Iran.
Online sources give conflicting accounts as to what killed the 22-year-old. A post on Instagram from Tehran’s Kasra Hospital claims that Mahsa Amini was brain dead upon admission was later deleted. Reports from women who were brought to the station with Mahsa say that the morality police hit them. According to her brother, she had signs of torture on her body.
Authorities resorted to standard explanations for Mahsa’s death: she died of an illness; police officers did not use force; morality police did not have batons (the interior minister).
Reactions like these bring to mind the aftermath of the 8 January 2020 incident, in which a passenger plane from Ukraine was shot down by two missiles fired by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards near Tehran. All 176 people inside perished. The regime initially blamed “irrational rumors,” “another conspiracy in the psychological war against Iran,” and the lack of missile remnants at the crash site for the plane’s downing.
Mahsa Amini Cause of Death
On September 13th, as Mahsa Amini was leaving a Tehran metro station with her brother and other relatives, she was arrested. Their trip to the nation’s capital was a big deal. Their home is in Saqqez, a city in western Iran. Mahsa was taken into custody in a morality police van along with other women whose clothing did not meet state regulations.

The vice squad has released a video showing Mahsa walking into a room with several other women. She sits down but quickly gets up to go to an officer and points impatiently to her black coat and other clothing in an obvious attempt to protest her arrest. Not long after that, she leans toward a table, and the video cuts off there. We then see her on a stretcher at the Kasra hospital.
Photos of her on social media sites depict her lying in a hospital bed with tubes coming out of her mouth and a bandage covering her right ear. After three days in a coma, Mahsa Amini passed away. Both a heart attack and a stroke were listed as the official causes of death. Mahsa’s family has repeatedly stated that she was in excellent health prior to her arrest, but the official cause of death has not changed.
Based on the hospital bed photo, doctors and specialists from other countries suspect she may have suffered a concussion after being hit in the head with something hard. Some people who suffer a stroke retain their ability to think clearly and walk normally for some time after the initial attack before the blood begins to spread to the brain.
Jina Mahsa Amini’s brutal death was not only a despicable act of oppression against women but also a racist one against the Kurdish community in Iran. Failing to mention her cultural background ignores the fact that she faced twice the oppression. 1/2
— Polla Garmiany ☀️ (@PollaGarmiany) September 17, 2022
That’s when the coma sets in. Given how quickly Mahsa was buried after her death, it is now impossible to say for sure how she passed away. The authorities, according to her father, preferred that she be laid to rest during the evening to prevent any protests or rallies.
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