Ex-Prosecutor Says Hunter Biden Developments ‘Don’t Add Up’
An ex-prosecutor said on Thursday that the federal investigation into Hunter Biden had reached a critical stage, with the current grand jury being disbanded and no charges being brought despite allegations the 52-year-old lied on a firearm purchase form, among other claims.
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After years of federal investigations into the activities of President Biden’s son in Delaware, the White House has decided to keep U.S. Attorney for Delaware David Weiss in office past the end of the Trump administration, ostensibly to avoid any claims of a conflict of interest.
Statements of Ex-Prosecutor on Hunter Biden Development
The grand jury has apparently disbanded, leaving the next step in the case up to government prosecutors. This leaves a very strange dynamic, as former U.S. Attorney for Utah Brett Tolman explained to “The Story.”
“None of this adds up. None of it makes sense. Indictments should have been brought when you first started calling witnesses and close thereto, that’s standard,” he said.

“The fact that a grand jury is now terminating here fairly soon or has terminated, in essence, you have to start all over. If the new grand jury gets empaneled, you must re-present all the evidence you may have presented.”
Tolman stated that it was common practice for charges or the threat of charges to be filed before the first grand jury’s term ended.
He said that legal counsel and state officials in Delaware aren’t handling the case the way he would have, despite the younger Biden‘s crack cocaine use and claims of lying on a federal gun purchase form being public knowledge.
“[I]t’s not adding up. It’s certainly not what I would have done. And it’s not what the majority of my colleagues who served as U.S. attorneys and assistant U.S. attorneys would have done in this case,” he said.
Reportedly, Hunter had answered “no” to a form question about whether or not he was an “unlawful user of or addicted to” various controlled substances before buying the gun that his girlfriend, the widow of his late brother Joseph III, Hallie, had found in a trash can near a school.
President Biden has long advocated for stricter gun control laws and the prosecution of similar offenses.
A source close to the investigation said that they are still looking into possible tax fraud, foreign lobbying violations, false statements, and gun offenses.
“Anybody who wanted to seek justice, in this case, would have charged Hunter Biden very quickly,” Tolman said.
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