When Does URF Come Back To League of Legends?
League of Legends is undeniably one of the largest player bases of any video game. Players from all over the world are eagerly awaiting any kind of content patch. Now, League of Legends has yet another update in the form of a new game mode that will rotate regularly: URF.
Ultra Rapid Fire, or URF for short, is one of League of Legends’ Featured Game Modes. In URF players choose their champion, they receive a champion at random, much like in League’s ARAM.
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Find out about the new URF Mode in League of Legends and its features by reading on!
Twice a year, players can participate in this highly anticipated game mode. Champions’ cooldowns are drastically reduced, and they can use a teleporting device called a Catapult to instantly arrive at the arena. Since both mana and energy can replenish to full health, players can spam abilities indefinitely.
The Summoner’s Rift is still the site of URF battles, but this is no ordinary game. Champions in this mode can be chosen at random. Even so, due to the rapid pace of this game mode, early-game champion performance is a major factor in determining who will ultimately emerge victorious.
Since it’s not even remotely well-balanced, we advise you to enjoy yourself as much as possible. Don’t miss out on your chance to try out the mode, as it will be active throughout the entirety of Worlds 2021 before resting after the Finals.

U.R.F., or ultra Rapid Fire, is a Featured Game Mode on Summoner’s Rift in which all Champions have unlimited access to their abilities and spells at all times. In this mode, all champions are permanently enhanced, changing the game in significant ways. This buff primarily provides two benefits: a 300 percent increase in ability haste (equivalent to a 75% reduction in cooldown) and the elimination of all mana and energy costs for abilities.
When Ultra Rapid Fire is active, it will switch between All Random and Blind Pick at random intervals. After the success of “One for All,” Riot Games has announced that “ARURF” will be the next revolving game mode in League of Legends.
URF Release Date
Available on the PBE, URF has gone live with League of Legends version 12.9 on May 12, 2022. URF will be provided for the duration of the High Noon event and will end at the same time as the event.
Details and Specifics
Played on the Summoner’s Rift, URF sees you paired with a champion at random. Although, with any luck, you can select URF’s top champions. As was previously mentioned, champions in the new URF Mode in League of Legends will be distributed at random. Additionally, the Summoner’s Rift will be used for the URF Mode.
Ask Riot URF Champion Update https://t.co/75GwIfEOkG pic.twitter.com/s42lWDnKMs
— League of Legends (@LeagueOfLegends) September 8, 2016
Reina Sweet, the game’s designer, has also confirmed that there will be no character-specific changes in the upcoming URF Mode. During the transition to the new mode, champions will gain +60 movement speed and +25% tenacity. Talking about haste, there will be more than 300 ability haste, item haste, and also summoner spell haste.
In addition to these changes, the new LoL URF mode increases your bonus attack speed by up to 1.5 times if you’re a melee champion and doubles it if you’re a ranged champion. The level cap has been raised for the new revolving game mode, which is now level 30.
Reina Sweet claims there will be no major shifts in the champions. The URF for this year should, however, reflect the adjustments made in previous years to accommodate the preseason overhaul of items.
Below is a partial list of them:
- +300 ability haste, summoner spell haste, and item haste.
- +25% tenacity.
- +60 movement speed.
- Bonus attack speed is doubled on ranged champions, 1.5 times for melee champions.
- If you’re a mana champ: Bonus mana is converted to HP (40% rate) and bonus mana regen is converted to HP (100% rate)
- The gold per 10 items will be disabled though. Their minion gold penalty they give is such an extreme penalty that is difficult to perceive that not having them available would ultimately lead to better experiences, especially for newcomers to URF.
- Higher-level cap: The level cap is increased to level 30.
- Early surrender: Can now unanimously surrender at 8 minutes, or normal surrender at 10 minutes.
Here’s some more:
- Mana and Energy consumption was reduced by 100%.
- Smite
- The charge rate was reduced to 30 seconds from 75 seconds.
- The cooldown between charges was reduced to 10 seconds from 15 seconds.
- The teleport is disabled.
- Baron Nashor’s initial spawn time is on 10 minutes.
- Dragon’s initial spawn time is on 4 minutes.
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